I have decided, after reading numerous magazine articles and books, that many people have different ideas about the perks of pregnancy. Some see it as a holistic and spiritual experience, while others enjoy the "idea" that they can eat whatever they want. I think that there are many reasons in between that appeal to me. Although I don't think that every movement is wonderful (particularly when the movements annoy my organs and bones), it is amazing that your baby is so powerful. The perks of pregnancy according to me, are (1) emotionally, everyone understands that you are nuts thus you can cry and be crabby and everyone just kind of laughs and says "oh she's pregnant." (2) physically, although your body gets huge and weird, your huge and weird body get to spend 9 months creating a new life which then proceeds to exit out of you and bring you joy (and sleepless nights). Although there may be many more, such as being able to accomplish something new, rec...