Daniel has graduated to a booster seat and now sits with us at the table for about twenty seconds longer than he did in his high chair. It is an improvement though because now we say "would you like to sit in your big boy chair?" and of course he comes running. We'll see how long it lasts. I give it about a week. As many of you know I have been waiting somewhat impatiently for Daniel to start talking, and really I just want him to make animal noises because I think that is so funny when kids do that. So last night at dinner Daniel of course had thrown his on the floor and we were trying to get him to say words and noises. He made a "ruff" sound for the dog, a "meow" type sound for the cat and then we asked him what a horse said. He smiled and out of his mouth came this shrill type of neigh (which was the very first time he'd ever responded to the horse question) and it was awesome. Apparently our laughing encouraged this shriek from continu...