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Showing posts from July, 2010

10 funny things about June.

Now that it is officially July I guess I should finally post something. I am not sure why I have such a hard time updating my blog as of lately but something tells me it is the small children constantly screaming in my house that make it hard. June went by quick. We had some fun garden adventures like watching the sunflower seeds come up, and then watching Alice crush them all with her tiny size 3 shoes. We went to Hawaii which in a nut shell was fun but one always is left wondering is it worth the travel. Daniel claims yes, Jason and I claim no. If I recall that is what we also claimed last time yet we ended up there again anyway. Alice loved the beach and enjoyed dumping sand on all things. I found a sand dollar which was awesome and we saw turtles and seals so Daniel loved it. He now officially loves his aunts and calls them that as if they are just a group, no individuals. Alice is a pain, loud, messy and stuck to her routine like glue. Here is a classic meal time with Ali...