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Showing posts from March, 2011

Pictures from our Cedar City Visit

I have noticed I take way more pictures of Alice than of Daniel. Is this common? I am not sure if it is on purpose or not. Alice liked Grandma Sug's house the best because she could just lay around and watch TV. Her favorite thing. It helped also that Grandma Sug has a stash of chocolate to bribe small children to her as well. My kids love chocolate. Daniel played outside a lot which was nice for his sleepy parents. Thanks Grandpa Stan! Daniel keeps asking to go back but then says "why do they have to live so far away?"

Ten minutes and counting

I have ten minutes until Daniel's quiet time is over which means the insanity will start soon. Daniel is having a hard time lately. One of the girls in his preschool class is mean to him, he never wants to go to church anymore because it is boring, he always wants to go to Grandma's house, and he whines constantly. Alice is talking more and her favorite things to say are "Daniel!" "Jason!" "Get down" and "Don't." She thinks everything is yellow or blue. But I just love when she yells at Daniel for me. She cries less and less everyday except when Daniel is mean to her which is becoming more and more frequent. Oh kids, they drive me so crazy. Lately I have been hating winter. My kids are bored, I am bored and I hate taking them places because they are pains. They aren't the kind of kids that come when you call, they run and think it is super funny. I know I know, if I put them in the stroller it would solve some problems...