The random things that get accomplished when you are waiting out your pregnancy. I have been cleaning like crazy and keeping up with laundry so my day to day chores have actually decreased. That is also because we have been hiring a house keeper which, why we haven't before is beyond me. We are finally feeling better other than aches and pains, I have canceled church for us until after the baby is born. I can't stand being sick anymore. The baby is due officially in ten days and we had a fake out last Friday, but are still impatiently waiting. Up until the last two weeks I was not swollen to ridiculousness, which now my feet are just comical. I mean who gets stretch marks on their feet? I also now can't sleep, either my back hurts or my hip or my lovely sciatic nerve which is awesome. As I said, impatiently waiting. So here's what I have been doing. I wanted to make my kids something to remind them they were once babies and that babies don't just cry, ea...