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Showing posts from December, 2008


Christmas I think went well in our house. Jason and I weren't up too late wrapping anything and Daniel doesn't really wake up too early so it was nice. I didn't wrap all the books I got Daniel so when he first saw the tree and presents he just wanted to look at the truck books that he got. After about ten minutes we convinced him to look at something else. Then we put all these new cars for him in his stocking and encouraged him to pull them out. Jason had wrapped one thing that was in the top of the stocking and Daniel pulled it out, looked at it carefully, threw it on the ground and then went back to the books. I pulled out the "sally" car from CARS and then the hunt in the stocking for more cares began. We had him stop every few minutes and open some more presents. After a lot of not interesting things we had him open his new Fisher Price Air Plane. He of course assumed that it was for transporting all of his new cars and his new trains. So now he j...

It is going to be a girl

The doctor made our guesses official on Tuesday when we saw that clearly our little fetus is a girl. I am fairly excited. It is weird though when we found out that Daniel was a boy I wondered what I would do with a boy. Now I wonder what I will do with a girl. Especially because I can't even do my own hair how am I going to make a little girl have cute hair? Maybe I will take a class. Anyway, Jason has kind of given up on his Charlotte Webb name, but if you would like to vote on the real names that we have chosen, visit Jason's blog.

Two things that made me a real mom this weekend

So we bought a van. I know I know, we only have one kid. We debated for a long time and then decided we could either buy a second car and then a bigger car when we have kid three, or just buy a big car now. That big car ended up being a van. We really like it so far. Mostly I just like having a car again and not having to work around Jason's work schedule. We are now official owners of a real family vehicle. Hopefully now I do my Christmas shopping. The second thing that made me a "real mom" this weekend happened shortly after we bought the van. We went down on Saturday afternoon thinking it wouldn't take long, and of course it did. Jason's work party (up in Layton), was coming up and so I left Jason to do the paper work and raced home to get ready to leave Daniel with babysitter number two for the day. My sister Tiffany showed up and I was half dressed and gave her all the instructions while I put my nylons on. I was telling her what to feed Daniel and ...

Pictures from Kauai

These are a few of my favorites from our trip. You have to click on the picture to see all of them. Hawaii 2008

Top Three reasons why NOT to travel with children who you can't reason with yet.

Well we made it back from Hawaii and Jason and I decided we would write down all the things we hated about our trip so we would remember not to be talked into another one anytime soon. Like in the next ten years. Before we left I thought taking Daniel to a restaurant was a bad experience, now I know it is nothing like flying. So here are some of my reasons: 1. I bet before 9/11 it wasn't so bad, but security at the airport takes four years to get through when you travel with a kid. So it went something like this. We travel with a cpap machine, laptop, video camera, baby stuff and a tired cranky baby. You have to strip everything off, belts, shoes, the binky and any other security item that your kid has and walk through the security thing. Jason always has to go with his Cpap machine so I was left with Daniel and the eights bins of stuff to put back, trying to get me and Daniel redressed and had to move all the carry ons. It was insane. The first time through in SLC when t...