This is Alice smiling. She smiled really early, around two and a half weeks and smiles everyday. She loves smiling at Jason and also loves her toys. That is what she is smiling at here in this picture.

This is Alice's usual expression unless she is screaming then she looks much less content and slightly purple.

As much as Daniel has been punky around Alice a lot and a perfect terrible two year old in many ways, he still is my sweet little boy. He loves trying to share toys with Alice and tells her about each toy. He also will sing to her, his favorite is "Rock a bye baby" to which he knows all the words perfectly.

This is Alice's usual expression unless she is screaming then she looks much less content and slightly purple.
As much as Daniel has been punky around Alice a lot and a perfect terrible two year old in many ways, he still is my sweet little boy. He loves trying to share toys with Alice and tells her about each toy. He also will sing to her, his favorite is "Rock a bye baby" to which he knows all the words perfectly.