Usually I sit down to blog and can't think of anything to write about but today I have too much. Mostly today though I was reflecting, on this article called "Why I can't stop reading Mormon Mommy Blogs." My friend posted this on facebook (thanks Erin!) and I thought it was really interesting. Here is the sum up. This woman who wrote the article describes herself as a "childless, overeducated atheist feminist," who reads at least five "mormon mommy blogs" every day. Then she describes about the blogs, how they are different than other mommy blogs, and why she thinks she likes to read them. She also stated that she is not the only one who reads these blogs, but had many friends who also loved the Mormon Mommy Blogs. Then I started thinking about how grateful I am for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in my life. I love that our church teaches that families are not just important but essential to life and happiness. Jason read a...