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Showing posts from January, 2011

Mormon Mommy Blogging

Usually I sit down to blog and can't think of anything to write about but today I have too much. Mostly today though I was reflecting, on this article called "Why I can't stop reading Mormon Mommy Blogs." My friend posted this on facebook (thanks Erin!) and I thought it was really interesting. Here is the sum up. This woman who wrote the article describes herself as a "childless, overeducated atheist feminist," who reads at least five "mormon mommy blogs" every day. Then she describes about the blogs, how they are different than other mommy blogs, and why she thinks she likes to read them. She also stated that she is not the only one who reads these blogs, but had many friends who also loved the Mormon Mommy Blogs. Then I started thinking about how grateful I am for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in my life. I love that our church teaches that families are not just important but essential to life and happiness. Jason read a...

Christmas Pictures

We had a big snow storm, Blizzard 2010 was about a week or so late. Here are my cute kids bundled up enjoying the snow. Here are some belated pictures of our Christmas. We had tons of fun and sad to say we have yet to sort out where all the new and old toys should go. Needless to say Alice's favorite thing was her can of crunchies. I love sugar cookies, and my kids love to help me make them and eat the frosting. This was Alice's first time being able to help us. She is very dainty, so she actually did a decent job. Mom and Dad gave us more cookie cutters for Christmas so my kids insisted that we try them out. We (I) ate a lot of sugar cookies this last month.

January Crazies

My kids are either really feeling the winter cabin fever or just wanting to drive me crazy. My guess is both. Alice is finally starting to talk more! She says "hewo? (hello) Bu-bye, and uh-oh," all the time it is so cute. She says more but I doubt anyone needs an absolute play by play. Daniel is finally starting to eat more than she does which is amazing. Their love of avocados has been renewed and we can't keep enough of them in the house. Alice is loving her bracelets that she got for Christmas and carries them in this little purse which is really cute. She also loves getting her hair done, but I am not so sure she loves that or just really likes to stand on the chair in my bathroom and play with the lights. Daniel is doing so good in preschool and is starting to read. The other day he sounded out "s, a, t....snake!" Not quite, but sometimes he gets it right. He wants to go to preschool everyday and I wish he did, but mostly we are glad he loves it...