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Insights from Mary Queen of Scots

  1. First I would like to say how much I enjoy the author's perspective. He makes an incredible case for Mary's innocence and shows how much she was a victim. I enjoy that because so many biographers can be less than enthused about taking a side. John Guy clearly has sided for Mary.
  2. Another point I thought was interesting was how did Darnley die? Did he escape before the house exploded? If so was he strangled or die from inhaling too much smoke? Does anyone have an opinion?
  3. The last point of interest that I have found so far....(as I have about 100 pages left to read) is what do you think about the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth? Why would Elizabeth continue to refuse metting Mary? Was she really protecting her throne, or was she jealous of her cousin? I am hoping that the rest of the book will include more insight into the Elizabeth/Mary relationship.

I hope everyone is enjoying the read. I am sorry that our summers have been so crazy as to prevent us from going at a faster pace.


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