Alice has begun sitting up. She can sit for about a minute on her own and then for about five minutes supported. Grass is also her new favorite thing and she will grab the blanket that she sits on and move it so that she can grab the grass. She can currently pull of fist fulls of grass with no hesitation. Although she did face plant in the grass and decided that the grass was not where her head should be.
Daniel loves raspberries. He loves to run outside and pick raspberries straight from the bushes. Then he loves to run around the yard at grandma's house screaming. Alvin the dog is actually more afraid of Daniel than the other way around.
Our house is coming along and hopefully within the month so we can get more settled.

Yellowstone was a successful trip and our kids had a blast. Daniel could not see out the binoculars so eventually we just started pointed out animals that he could see on his own which were: buffalo. Good things seeing four million buffalo was exciting to Daniel.

This is what I really spent Yellowstone doing.

Family has voted for me to blog about the "fake fury" of mom. Daniel will not stay in his room at night to go to bed and constantly comes out of his room. Tonight I was so frustrated and I turned to family at the table and said if he comes out I am going to scream "what are you doing go back to bed NOW." Of course that never really came to be as I was much kinder. But my dad almost got the fury when he came around the corner the same time as I heard the door open. Although when Daniel does open the door all it takes is Bob looking at him and it sends him scurrying.
Daniel loves raspberries. He loves to run outside and pick raspberries straight from the bushes. Then he loves to run around the yard at grandma's house screaming. Alvin the dog is actually more afraid of Daniel than the other way around.
Our house is coming along and hopefully within the month so we can get more settled.
Yellowstone was a successful trip and our kids had a blast. Daniel could not see out the binoculars so eventually we just started pointed out animals that he could see on his own which were: buffalo. Good things seeing four million buffalo was exciting to Daniel.
This is what I really spent Yellowstone doing.
Family has voted for me to blog about the "fake fury" of mom. Daniel will not stay in his room at night to go to bed and constantly comes out of his room. Tonight I was so frustrated and I turned to family at the table and said if he comes out I am going to scream "what are you doing go back to bed NOW." Of course that never really came to be as I was much kinder. But my dad almost got the fury when he came around the corner the same time as I heard the door open. Although when Daniel does open the door all it takes is Bob looking at him and it sends him scurrying.
How fun to have a family trip to Yellowstone. Got a chuckle out of the nursing picture. I totally understand!!