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Showing posts from 2007

The Cold

After living in Logan, UT for a few years I didn't think the cold would bother me ever again. This year I have started to experience cold in a different way, as in constantly wondering if Daniel is cold. Are his hands cold? Does he need a hat? If I put a blanket on him in his car seat what should I set the heater at in the car? I feel as though that's all I think about sometimes and as Jason knows, it would be easier if I could find his hats half of the time I start to look for them. But so fat Daniel has stayed healthy and hasn't been too cold. Stephanie's wedding was last weekend and it was so very cold. But luckily Daniel seemed pretty content all wrapped up in his warm blankets. It is on weekends standing in the snow with the howling wind that I do miss CA and sometimes even FL, even though I am aware that both places do get cold. Maybe one day we'll bust out of the cold northern states and head south, but until that happens, to those who must deal wit...


Today launched a new phase in our lives as parents. Daniel has finally figured out how to crawl forward. He can now go backwards, in circles, and slightly forward. And as I watched him wriggle forward and then pull himself up on the laundry basket, I couldn't help thinking about our need as humans to move. Around here in Lehi, UT, there is not just a need to move but a need for speed. Although nice men and women post speed limit signs all over the roads, the law comes second to people who need to get somewhere, and get there fast. I am sure that Daniel will eventually be one of those speed demons of a driver. Since day one he has wanted to move to wiggle and see things around him. I can only imagine him in about six more months running from place to place. He is not content sitting still or relaxing. He wants to be mobile and more importantly he wants to do things for himself. Daniel would love nothing more if he could feed himself, walk and no longer be confined in...


Daniel is the cutest baby in the whole world, according to me. But I am aware that all moms think that about their child. Daniel started laughing about a month ago and went from little giggles to belly laughing in a few days. He now laughs often and loves especially playing a peek a boo type game. Here is a clip of Daniel laughing at Jason.

living in the desert

We went to Las Vegas last weekend. It was 115 degrees outside. It amazes me that people actually voluntarily move to a place that is that hot. I can understand if you are a poor native person near the Sahara Desert and forced to live there, but come on. Las Vegas gets bigger and bigger every time that I go there. I also think it is ridiculous that they have the population or at least the tourist population to support all those adult stores. I guess every civilization has had a Las Vegas though, people are always looking for somewhere to go and forget that they have morals, families and standards of any kind.

The Perks of Pregnancy

I have decided, after reading numerous magazine articles and books, that many people have different ideas about the perks of pregnancy. Some see it as a holistic and spiritual experience, while others enjoy the "idea" that they can eat whatever they want. I think that there are many reasons in between that appeal to me. Although I don't think that every movement is wonderful (particularly when the movements annoy my organs and bones), it is amazing that your baby is so powerful. The perks of pregnancy according to me, are (1) emotionally, everyone understands that you are nuts thus you can cry and be crabby and everyone just kind of laughs and says "oh she's pregnant." (2) physically, although your body gets huge and weird, your huge and weird body get to spend 9 months creating a new life which then proceeds to exit out of you and bring you joy (and sleepless nights). Although there may be many more, such as being able to accomplish something new, rec...