We went to Las Vegas last weekend. It was 115 degrees outside. It amazes me that people actually voluntarily move to a place that is that hot. I can understand if you are a poor native person near the Sahara Desert and forced to live there, but come on. Las Vegas gets bigger and bigger every time that I go there. I also think it is ridiculous that they have the population or at least the tourist population to support all those adult stores. I guess every civilization has had a Las Vegas though, people are always looking for somewhere to go and forget that they have morals, families and standards of any kind.
Daniel is not one to sit still very often at all. My parents say that he is totally my son and that I drove my mom crazy too but frankly I can't remember that far back. There is one thing that Daniel loves to help me with, and that is sewing. He loves the machine and loves to sit in my lap as we sew anything. Sometimes I think about just sewing straight lines down my endless supply of fabric because I know he will sit still for awhile. A few months ago I had a good friend show me how to make rag quilts. The first one that Daniel and I sewed together was for my niece Abigale. Then of course I had to make one for my nephew Joshua. Then I decided to make one for Daniel. I was going to make a transportation one, full of trucks and planes and boats, but when I took him to the fabric store, much to my surprise and delight he chose dragons over the airplanes. So we started his quilt last week. He sat on my lap or next to me while we sewed every piece together. He was so excited ...