Daniel is the cutest baby in the whole world, according to me. But I am aware that all moms think that about their child. Daniel started laughing about a month ago and went from little giggles to belly laughing in a few days. He now laughs often and loves especially playing a peek a boo type game. Here is a clip of Daniel laughing at Jason.
Baby Webb #3 is on the way. Here the baby is. We are going to try to be strong and not find out the sex at the ultra sound. So if you have an opinion, about the sex, feel free to share it. I am sure Jason will put a vote up. So far he wants names like "gunner" and "ruby." I told him Gunner might not go so well with Alice and Daniel, but who am I to stop an opinion? Oh wait. I was sick off and on for a few weeks but feel pretty good now.
This is the baby at 10 weeks. We are about 13.5 weeks today. Due the end of February. I guess if we are lucky it could be a leap day baby.
Daniel saw the baby in the ultra sound and was totally not surprised. His comment was "is that the baby I knew was growing in your tummy?" Alice was disturbed and cried and didn't eat for about two days. Then Daniel reminded me of a few months ago when he heard a voice from heaven telling him we needed another baby. He told me that "heavenly father w...