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Showing posts from July, 2007


Daniel is the cutest baby in the whole world, according to me. But I am aware that all moms think that about their child. Daniel started laughing about a month ago and went from little giggles to belly laughing in a few days. He now laughs often and loves especially playing a peek a boo type game. Here is a clip of Daniel laughing at Jason.

living in the desert

We went to Las Vegas last weekend. It was 115 degrees outside. It amazes me that people actually voluntarily move to a place that is that hot. I can understand if you are a poor native person near the Sahara Desert and forced to live there, but come on. Las Vegas gets bigger and bigger every time that I go there. I also think it is ridiculous that they have the population or at least the tourist population to support all those adult stores. I guess every civilization has had a Las Vegas though, people are always looking for somewhere to go and forget that they have morals, families and standards of any kind.