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My child loves slimfast

Daniel and I are horrible breakfast eaters. Most of it is my fault. I have a hard time eating when I first wake up, even when I am pregnant, though the first trimester is an exception to that rule. A few years ago Jason and I discovered that Slimfast shakes (the powder kind) are not too bad especially when you add fruit and so that became my breakfast. It is easier for me to drink something than to eat for breakfast. When Daniel started eating meals I tried so hard to eat oatmeal, cereal, pancakes, anything that would get him interested in the first meal of the day. But he soon proved to be like his mom and loves breakfast food but not the time it should be served. He has been taking sips of my shakes for about eight months but wasn't too interested in them until about two weeks ago. I asked Daniel what he wanted for breakfast and he said "shake!" Jason and I looked at each other and thought, hmmm, I guess it can't hurt. Needless to say, he loves them. So now in the mornings I make a shake and half in a big cup and Daniel and I pull out two straws and drink it up. His favorite part is when it is all gone and the straw can make that horrible noise. He laughs and says "all gone...more shake!" It is pretty funny.

I have also decided that my child will probably be horribly injured within the next few weeks. He has discovered that climbing is the hot thing right now. I have watched him launch himself off our recliner, over the couch, off my bed and trying to climb into his crib. Luckily he has not tried to launch himself out of his crib yet. His other favorite thing to do is to move the stool from the bathroom all around the house to play with door knobs and light switches. We came home from the store tonight and he walked over to the kitchen chairs, climbed up on one and then tried to climb on the table. How do you baby proof kitchen chairs?

Daniel has been asking to go see the temple lately. So on Sunday, after naps, we went up to temple square. He ran around and was so excited that there was black water (the reflection pool) and blkue water (the fountian by the visitor center). He also kept showing us the guy with the trumpet. We went into the tabernacle and he wanted to play the organ and kept telling us that he had played the organ at church with mom. It was pretty fun. He keeps telling us about his little temple trip. Hopefully his love for the temple continues.

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Megan said…
Eh. Slim fast isn't bad. I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe it is becuase I just get really excited if Anna likes ANYTHING! LOL. I saw on someones blog that they tipped their chairs over whent hey weren't using them so that their kids wouldn't push them around and use them to climb. I don't know how much you would dig that approach though. Sounds like you guys had a fun temple trip!
Josie said…
That IS pretty funny! At least there pretty healthy, right?!

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