First: Happy Birthday to Brittany, woohoo on 21! It has almost been a whole week.
We went to the zoo, not for halloween but about two weeks before. There were a few funny pictures. We were just in time to catch the elephant show and this is about how it went. Alice and Daniel were almost screaming they were so excited about the elephants. Then the elephants made their noise....the before and after pictures explain it all. Alice enthralled and then clinging to mom in fright of the elephants that might make noise. We watched the one elephant squirt water all over some people and then Daniel was afraid that we would get wet. It was awesome.

Then there was Halloween. Alice discovered that she LOVED wearing that costume and being Nemo. Daniel always wanted to be spiderman. Eventually if the costumes were out and could be seen they were put on. But it kept them entertained for a long time. They loved trick or treating.

We went with the Pooles to their ward halloween party and it rocked! We tried to take a picture and Josh thought he needed to kiss Alice, it was awesome.

Then the actual night. We waited for the rain to stop and when it did, our friends the Traynors were here so their kids got ready too and we braced for the cold. Daniel, Alice and Jackson ran from house to house knocking on doors and grabbing candy. They loved it and had so much fun. Alice eventually went home with Jason and then cried in protest about being home. They also enjoyed handing out candy and Daniel would not go to bed for fear that a trick or treater would come and he wouldn't be there. I am glad they had so much fun.

Last but not least. This is what happens when by nine in the morning there is too much whining, horribleness, and fighting. Mom always wins. Regardless of the reason being that I am taller than Daniel on a chair.
We went to the zoo, not for halloween but about two weeks before. There were a few funny pictures. We were just in time to catch the elephant show and this is about how it went. Alice and Daniel were almost screaming they were so excited about the elephants. Then the elephants made their noise....the before and after pictures explain it all. Alice enthralled and then clinging to mom in fright of the elephants that might make noise. We watched the one elephant squirt water all over some people and then Daniel was afraid that we would get wet. It was awesome.
Then there was Halloween. Alice discovered that she LOVED wearing that costume and being Nemo. Daniel always wanted to be spiderman. Eventually if the costumes were out and could be seen they were put on. But it kept them entertained for a long time. They loved trick or treating.
We went with the Pooles to their ward halloween party and it rocked! We tried to take a picture and Josh thought he needed to kiss Alice, it was awesome.
Then the actual night. We waited for the rain to stop and when it did, our friends the Traynors were here so their kids got ready too and we braced for the cold. Daniel, Alice and Jackson ran from house to house knocking on doors and grabbing candy. They loved it and had so much fun. Alice eventually went home with Jason and then cried in protest about being home. They also enjoyed handing out candy and Daniel would not go to bed for fear that a trick or treater would come and he wouldn't be there. I am glad they had so much fun.
Last but not least. This is what happens when by nine in the morning there is too much whining, horribleness, and fighting. Mom always wins. Regardless of the reason being that I am taller than Daniel on a chair.
Yes we made our costumes. Anna took swim lessons at the Legacy center (I recommend). I am up for a get together whenever! Fro yo is ALWAYS good. And I will pass the body bug info along.
Phew. Heaven forbid I would have to send an email, right?! ;)